NADAV means To Give.
Our program offers teens a path to explore their jewish identify, make connections, and learn new things.
The NADAV program provides a series of social experiences for teens and it pairs teens with mentors to work a few hours each week in a area of OZ’s community that sparks their interest. Options include:
- Working with the Full Circle Preschool
- Assisting in the Shalom Shuk thrift store
- Baking challah or cooking for community members in need of a meal or other support
- Helping the Cantor with music
- Creating content for the OZ website
- Working with OZHS students in the classroom
- Other based on interest and need
In addition, NADAV teens get together once a month for a learning & social experience. The program has opening and closing events for teens and their mentors. With successful completion, interns receive a $500 stipend. Alternatively, they can also choose to volunteer their time for another organziation or apply time toward high school requirements.
View & Subscribe to OZ’s Nadav Program Calendar
NADAV satisfies many needs for the Jewish community – keep teens engaged, give them a ‘stake’ in OZ, develop intergenerational relationships, maintain peer connections from Hebrew School in a fun and educational setting and continue to foster a sense of Tikkun Olam (repair of the world).
For more information, please contact Naomi Barell at 802 864-0218, ext. 26 or