Shabbat Morning Services and Devorah B Mitzvah
November 9 @ 9:15 am - 11:30 am
Our Shabbat morning service is traditional egalitarian with new melodies and kavannot (spiritual intentions) introduced and incorporated. Saturday morning services begin at 9:15 AM
Following services, the B Mitzvah family is hosting a Kiddush lunch where all are welcome.
Our morning service will feature our Shabbat Village:
– An intentional place for families, children and anyone to schmooze and be together during the time of Shabbat services
– No pressure to join in the service (though of course all are welcome to attend as much or little as works for you)
– Families may access the playground, gardens and trails
– Everyone is invited to the kiddush (meal) afterward
– Children’s books and a video feed of services will be provided. Currently, children will need to be accompanied by their adult(s). Parents may choose to team up – it takes a village!
Torah Study typically takes place at 8:30 am before services. Check our calendar for details.