188 North Prospect Street
Burlington, Vermont 05401
(802) 864-0218


The power of breaking bread together!

Weather its the act of making challah on a Friday night, attending a symbolic Passover meal, practicing ancient ‘food culture’ (kashrut / kosher practice), or having some good Jewish deli, food is undeniably a center of living Jewishly!

Here are few ways OZ breaks bread:

  • OZ is home to a professional kosher kitchen that was built in 2016.  We sometimes jokingly referred to as our ‘third sanctuary’, the kitchen is where we connect and create as we nourish ourselves and our community.
  • Our Kiddush Committee (“Kitchen Team”) of volunteers prepares food for community gatherings and event.  We always are looking for new helpers of all experience levels!
  • We aim to have a special meal together, a “Sponsored Kiddush” after Shabbat services each month.
  • We care for others through our G’maCh freezer (G’maCh is short for gemilut chesedim or acts of loving-kindness) in the kitchen.  The freezer is filled with food prepared by members. In the spirit of G’maCh we also prepare meals in the kitchen or in our homes for those in need and organize ‘meal trains’ for those celebrating new babies or those with a hardship.
  • We host events such as the recent Northern Nosh Food Festival.
  • We are able to offer space for catered kosher events large and small.
  • We have an annual summer kosher deli take-out night.
  • We have organized trips to jewish food hubs in Boston and Montreal.

Join us!  Almost all our food-related programs are volunteer driven!  If you’re interested in volunteering or participating, please contact us!

If you’d like to volunteer or have a request, please contact us.

Food Resources


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