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Women of the Wall

Since 2009, Rabbi Amy has been attending Rosh Chodesh (first day of the new month, a minor festival each month) morning services with Women of the Wall at the Kotel (Western Wall) in Jerusalem whenever she has been in Israel.  In 2019 she joined women from around the world in the 30th anniversary celebration of WoW in Jerusalem.

Here is additional information from the Women of the Wall website:

Women of the Wall, (Neshot Hakotel תושנ לתוכה in Hebrew) is a group of Jewish women from Israel and around the world who strive to achieve the right to wear prayer shawls, pray and read from the Torah collectively and out loud at the Western Wall (Kotel) in Jerusalem, Israel. The Western Wall is Judaism’s most sacred holy site and the principal symbol of Jewish peoplehood and sovereignty, and Women of the Wall works to make it a holy site where women can pray freely. Women of the Wall is comprised of women from all denominations of Judaism – Orthodox, Reform, Conservative, Masorti, Renewal and Reconstructionist. Women of the Wall not only seeks empowerment in group prayer and Torah reading at our most sacred site, but also strives for recognition of our prayer service by the legal and religious Israeli authorities, for the sake of all Jewish women. Our group, with a membership that is not only multi-denominational but spans the political spectrum, embodies a message of tolerance and pluralism.


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