Pesach Community Seder
April 13 @ 6:00 pm - 9:00 pm

Charoset (Ashkenazi apple/walnut and Sephardic date and fruit)
Gefilte Fish with Horseradish/Green Salad
Vegetarian Matzo Ball Soup
Roasted Red Potatoes
Apple Kugel
Roasted Asparagus
Tsimmes (carrots and sweet potatoes)
Brisket (oh so tender!)
Flourless Chocolate Cake
Chocolate Matzah Crunch
Almond Macaroons
Fresh Fruit
Wine/Grape Juice
By reservation only, please RSVP.
The seder is in-person only.
Reserve Your Ticket for the Community Seder
OZ has tickets set aside for those who are unable to pay.
To request free or discounted tickets, please contact us.
We will reply promptly and with discretion.