3 events found.
Jewish Journeys (Hebrew School)
Ohavi Zedek Synagogue 188 North Prospect Street, BurlingtonJJ @ OZ classes meet
3rd Annual Northern Nosh Jewish Food Festival
Ohavi Zedek Synagogue 188 North Prospect Street, BurlingtonBuyTickets Here! We are seeking volunteers to help with food prep and for the event: Please Volunteer For the Nosh! The Northern Nosh is a collaborative project of Jewish organizations... Read More
Minyan (Online)
ZoomOhavi Zedek offers regular minyan services to meet the worship needs of our community and especially to aid those members of our community who are reciting Kaddish in memory of a recently deceased loved one or on a Yahrzeit. Services are held Sunday-Thursday evenings at 7:00 on Zoom. Ohavi Zedek’s minyan is traditional and egalitarian.... Read More