188 North Prospect Street
Burlington, Vermont 05401
(802) 864-0218

Midweek Mah Jongg

Midweek Mah Jongg

Ohavi Zedek Synagogue 188 North Prospect Street, Burlington, VT, United States

Stop by every Wednesday from 10:30 AM - 12:30 PM for Mah Jongg Additionally, fill out this interest form to be notified for upcoming classes

Evening Midweek Mah Jongg

Evening Midweek Mah Jongg

Ohavi Zedek Synagogue 188 North Prospect Street, Burlington, VT, United States

Evening midweek Mah Jongg from 6:30 PM - 8:30 PM Please RSVP to lyndasiegel2@gmail.com for availability Additionally, fill out this interest form to be notified for upcoming classes

Tot Shabbat

Tot & Family Shabbat

Ohavi Zedek Synagogue 188 North Prospect Street, Burlington, VT, United States

This Shabbat is a family friendly service in the small sanctuary, followed by a kiddush lunch.

Bingo Night (Following Havdalah)

Ohavi Zedek Social Hall 188 N. Prospect St, Burlington, VT

Join us following Havdalah for a Bingo night of fun and prizes! BYOB with pizza, snacks and soft drinks to be provided. Open to all adults. Child care (ages 5-12)... Read More

JCVT’s Yom Limmud Day of Learning

Temple Sinai 500 Swift Street, south burlington, United States

Temple Sinai is host to JCVT’s Limmud Day of Learning Jewish Peoplehood: Concepts, Challenges and Futures   Register Now! Keynote 11:30am Claire Sufrin: The Invention of Jewish Peoplehood and Why... Read More

Midweek Mah Jongg

Midweek Mah Jongg

Ohavi Zedek Synagogue 188 North Prospect Street, Burlington, VT, United States

Stop by every Wednesday from 10:30 AM - 12:30 PM for Mah Jongg Additionally, fill out this interest form to be notified for upcoming classes

Evening Midweek Mah Jongg

Evening Midweek Mah Jongg

Ohavi Zedek Synagogue 188 North Prospect Street, Burlington, VT, United States

Evening midweek Mah Jongg from 6:30 PM - 8:30 PM Please RSVP to lyndasiegel2@gmail.com for availability Additionally, fill out this interest form to be notified for upcoming classes

Chanukah Party

Ohavi Zedek Synagogue 188 North Prospect Street, Burlington, VT, United States

Join in the celebration of Chanukah with food, music with Brass Balagan from 11:30am - 12:00pm, a menorah sing along, toy raffle, chocolate fountain, photo booth, family gift swap, crafts,... Read More

Midweek Mah Jongg

Midweek Mah Jongg

Ohavi Zedek Synagogue 188 North Prospect Street, Burlington, VT, United States

Stop by every Wednesday from 10:30 AM - 12:30 PM for Mah Jongg Additionally, fill out this interest form to be notified for upcoming classes

Evening Midweek Mah Jongg

Evening Midweek Mah Jongg

Ohavi Zedek Synagogue 188 North Prospect Street, Burlington, VT, United States

Evening midweek Mah Jongg from 6:30 PM - 8:30 PM Please RSVP to lyndasiegel2@gmail.com for availability Additionally, fill out this interest form to be notified for upcoming classes

Community Fun Day: Chanukah Edition 

Ohavi Zedek Social Hall 188 N. Prospect St, Burlington, VT

Join us for an afternoon of games and fun, including mah jongg, Scrabble, cribbage, foosball, and of course, dreidel! Come for the afternoon, or just the candle lighting at 4:30pm.... Read More