188 North Prospect Street
Burlington, Vermont 05401
(802) 864-0218

Mindful Jewish Parenting Workshop

Ohavi Zedek Main Sanctuary

Join Rabbi Seth Castleman for an exploration of mindful parenting. As many of us struggle to live out our Jewish values in our parenting, we can learn and support each other in the journey. Bagels and coffee will be available afterwards.

Family Purim Celebration

Ohavi Zedek Social Hall 188 N. Prospect St, Burlington, VT

Celebrate the joyous Purim holiday with the entire family with a day filled with fun, laughter, and community spirit! Here’s what we have planned for this amazing day: 10:15 -... Read More

Exodus Moth Storytelling and Outdoor Matzo Bake

Ohavi Zedek Synagogue 188 North Prospect Street, Burlington, VT, United States

Come hear the story of Passover told by those who were there. Afterwards, we'll be making, baking and enjoying our very own matzo cooked on an open fire outside! Rumor has it that there will be ice cream too, 'cuz why not?