Let’s face it, for many, the food is one of the best part of jewish culture — from the passover seder to rugelach or matzoh ball soup, food is part of what defines us. Our food has been influenced by a variety of cultures, including Ashkenazi, Sephardic and Mizrahi. And for many, jewish Kashrut (kosher) law is an important part of their practice.
Our connection to and history with food goes back to XYZ. In fact, we even found a prohibition-era beer recipe hand-written inside a meeting minutes notebook from the 1920s.
Here are some current food projects:
- OZ’s kosher kitchen was built in 2016. Many of our members and volunteers’ deepest community connection come in the kitchen preparing meals together for children’s programs, kiddush gatherings, adult ed programs and celebrations.
- The first Northern Nosh Jewish Food Festival took place in November 2022. OZ teamed up with other jewish organizations of Vermont to host over 500 people to taste dozens of delicious food items and enjoy music performances and kids programming.
- Our Kiddush Kitchen Committee is active.
- Our G’mach Freezer is is home to meals prepared by community members so they are available to those experiencing hardships.
- We have an annual summer kosher deli take-out night.
- We have organized trips to jewish food hubs in Boston and Montreal.
Join us! Almost all our food-related programs are volunteer driven! If you’re interested in volunteering or participating, please contact us!