188 North Prospect Street
Burlington, Vermont 05401
(802) 864-0218

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EVENT CANCELLED: Presentation & Book Signing – Religion is Not Done with You

February 9

Ilyse Morgenstein Fuerst (Author and OZ Member) and Megan Goodwin (Author) lead a discussion relating to their new book, Religion Is Not Done with You: Or, the Hidden Power of Religion on Race, Maps, Bodies, and Law.

Religion Is Not Done with You is a smart, irreverent, and accessible guide to thinking more deeply about how religion permeates and shapes the world around us – and why you need to understand the work it’s doing.

9:35 am – 10:30 am / OZ Main Sanctuary
Presentation by co-authors Ilyse Morgenstein Fuerst and Megan Goodwin

10:30 am – 11:30 am / OZ Social Hall
Book signing, coffee, bagels and additional discussion

About Religion Is Not Done with You

Religion lurks in the floorboards of our daily lives, whether we want it to or not. A departure from more traditional approaches to “Religion 101,” Religion Is Not Done with You gives thought-provoking context to the basics of religious studies by challenging readers to consider the origins of their assumptions about religion and broaden their perspectives on what religion is and does.

Religion scholars and Keeping It 101 podcast duo Ilyse Morgenstein Fuerst and Megan Goodwin offer their straightforward, plainspoken overviews of religious studies theory: that religion is what people do (not just beliefs or individual practices); that people are complicated and messy and constantly changing, which means religion is also complicated and messy and constantly changing; that religion shapes what choices you get to make. Choices like what you can learn in school; how your government works; what kind of options you have (or increasingly don’t have) in caring for your own body.



February 9
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Ohavi Zedek Social Hall
188 N. Prospect St
Burlington, VT 05401
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Ohavi Zedek
(802) 864-0218
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